Y&R - Doo Doo Brown
Hey guys! I know it's been a while but busy, busy, busy (lie, lie, lie)! Anyway, I got this in mail today, it was shipped to me through UPEx, which is apparently, after some exhaustive Googling, some sort of low-rent shipping company. This was sent like 5 weeks ago. From Hawaii. I know.
Okay, so I opened it and I say to myself "Toilet paper? For realy-o's? My ass ain't itchy.". Yeah, I said that. Out loud. You wanna fight?
Back to my package, turns out that no one thinks I have a continence problem, they just wanted to share their story, I took this picture to pass along their tale to the world...
(Click for clarity)

And just because I think this picture is fucking hilarious, here ya go:

Oh fuckitall, this is just gonna be a picture post, I don't care anymore! No more! ARGH!
Shirty shirt SHIRTS! They're the same from before but I've had the links just sitting there in my Imageshack account and figured "What the hell? It's my blog, I could put up animal porn if I wanted to!".
I do not want to.
(again, click for clarity)
Edited to add: Actually don't click, they're unclickable! And I'm a dumbass.

Well hello, Darn! Where's my cat, Snow? I'm STARVING!
Why does Joshua and Eric look like they're both straining to force a grin while taking a dump? LOL! They even look blushed with embarrassment, like they just got caught in the middle of taking a deuce together.
Darn, I know I'm a little slow and all, but you have to explain the toilet paper with me. Since I haven't been watching the show, I might be missing something. Still some funny shyt though. Ha, ha. Get it?
"Doo Doo Brown" LMAO!
Ronda, notice the slit? I hope SO!
Darn, I know I'm a little slow and all, but you have to explain the toilet paper with me. Since I haven't been watching the show, I might be missing something. Still some funny shyt though. Ha, ha. Get it?
I'm gonna talk in riddles in order to not get sued but you know about the former soap star who was recently imprisoned? Well, she's using me as a vessel to get her story out there! A vessel!
uh. I did not get any of that. BUt I love your blog unconditionally. :-)
A Lady who was once on Y&R, and was just entertaining levels of BatShitCrazy, has been recently imprisoned and has completely flown the Cuckoo's nest.
no, it's not Dru.
Use your Decoder Rings, People!
Let's teleport to my closet!
Whew, that was exhausting.
Ostrich Feathers make everything prettier. *flourish*
I'm finally putting two and two together. LMAO!
"No! Welcome to my DOC, beyotch!"
I don't really mean that, I just couldn't resist a good OC refernece tied in with the title of that which shouldn't be spoken of.
"Mommy, mommy! I want a 'livedehtsikcaJ' t-shirt!"
I had to teleport over here to quickly say how much I admire you for making sure that Brenda's story gets told! You're truly selfless.
Eric Braeden seems like the type of man who'd punch you in the face just to see how you'd react to it. I have no reason to think that is true in any way, shape or form, but I can't help but think it. TEAM BERGMAN!
Dear God in Heaven, Darn, you are so funny!
Also, can you do a Reliquary! shirt too?
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