Y&R - Tuesday - You're All Disowned

"Ohno! My face! Mahm, my face, look at my face, look what you did! OW!"
Bitch, please, it's an improvement.
And oh God, the shrieking. Keep it up, Christel! Muteness will do wonders for your figure. If you had a figure. Now I'm just being mean. I'll stop. Except not. Shut up. Stupid.
It's nice that Daniel is Kevin's BFF (blergh) but not a second of happiness over you brother-in-law being off the hook for murder? Come on. These are supposed to be people. Not plot point regurgitating set pieces.
Neil. Neil, Neil, Neil. You sad, pathetic, sack of matter. Your WIFE, the love of your life, mother of your children, supposed soulmate is literally losing her mind in front of you and what is your reaction? Blankness.

Neil says "Hi", he's not fit to talk right now. I know you can't quite tell but trust me, Neil is dying inside.
AND for fun: CLOTHING!