Y&R - Wednesday - Life is Ruff
You're On FUCKING Notice!
Just wanted to make that official. On with the show!
I found that linedancing/country party thing offensive to linedancers, country, parties and cows. Just...shut up. What is this, HeeHaw? HeeHaw Junior, now with more stupid. Shut up.
Like I always say Nick and Phyllis, nothing but class. No, no, sorries, I mean anything but class. That's better.
"Obviously the baby is furious with you too!" What a great line, THIS is why I love Lauren. Loved Michael and Lauren, they're both such strong characters which helps in maintaining their balance. And I like them with some conflict, even if the conflict made me hate Michael. Kevin's reaction to Lauren's accusation was bizarre, that's not like him, from what I know of him he'd be ashamed to have Lauren know something like that. But no, he's just "whatever" to it. What an asshole.
Dru looked like an English nanny with her cape get-up. It was cute. On her. Anyone else and--cute, Dru, cute! Not even gonna comment Dru getting a bail hearing so fast or Carmen up there like she's some fragile angel or how stupid this whole story is. See? Not commenting.
Ever since this new cycle (your branding has worked on me, Tyra!) of America's Next Top Model began I've thought one of the contestants, Brooke, greatly resembles Sharon Case.

(not the best comparison pics, I know)
Victor: Asamatteroffact, I have an idea, you will direct a movie starring Zapato.
Let's be real here, is there any doubt that that would be THE BEST MOVIE IN CREATION? I DON'T THINK THERE IIIIIIIIIS! I'm imagining something like Life is Beautiful. Humor. Pathos. Language barrier. It's got it all really.
Let's be real here, is there any doubt that that would be THE BEST MOVIE IN CREATION? I DON'T THINK THERE IIIIIIIIIS! I'm imagining something like Life is Beautiful. Humor. Pathos. Language barrier. It's got it all really.
OH my God, thank you! From day one, even with the brown hair, I have thought Brooke bears a really uncanny resemblance to Sharon Case. Only I didn't have anyone to share that thought with.
Thank you for the validation.
You are so freakin' FUNNY! I love your use of pictures!
I have been FF'ing every scene not featuring Dru, Jack, Zapato and Laurel. I...I don't know how much longer I can continue watching Y&R. If it wasn't for ya'll here and at TWoP I would've given up several months back.
Can't wait for (if you can believe the teaser) Michael to go off on that hag of a golddigging mooch that spawned him.
Thank Gawd I wasn't the only person who cringed during Crimson Lights' homage to Hee Haw. Shudder!
Will Zap! The Movie be ready for a holiday release? oh Please oh Please Oh Please!!???
Hey, shouldn't kneel be on notice or has that be resolved with the revoked Black Card?
Oh, he's there, right between Michael and Jill.
OH my God, thank you! From day one, even with the brown hair, I have thought Brooke bears a really uncanny resemblance to Sharon Case. Only I didn't have anyone to share that thought with.
Thank you for the validation.
Thank YOU, I thought I was making it up in my head, as I do many things. She really does look like her, doesn't she? 15 years younger and thinner but no less bubbly. I like Brooke a lot, she's no model but she'd be fun at parties.
Will Zap! The Movie be ready for a holiday release? oh Please oh Please Oh Please!!???
Oh, it's comin', we just need a leading lady. So if anyone wants to audition*...
Can't wait for (if you can believe the teaser) Michael to go off on that hag of a golddigging mooch that spawned him.
*Must be okay with beastiality.
Just curious, where did that Colbert pic come from? Did he mention Y&R and its @#%&$**#@ on his show?
Hehe, IF ONLY! No, you can make your own here: http://www.shipbrook.com/onnotice/
It's fun! I can put all the people that are pissing me off on notice and they don't even have to know!
Thanks Darn! Made one. It was fun!
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