Gloria Swanson

Wants Her

Face Back

You Fucking

What Gloria did Wednesday, calling Jack to make him feel guilty for simply honoring his father's wishes, was nothing short of pure hatred. That was just cruel. Low and disgusting and for no reason other than to be smug and self-righteous. Typical Gloria.
I guess grief is a two week process for Medusa. The way she cocked her brow and smirked when she learned The Hated William Bardwell had inherited money...maybe they do want us to hate her and I'm rational once again. Don't look her in the face!
What do you get when you mix Caramel with Dark Chocolate? Dru and Edwin, that's what. Drop that Soy Latte, motherfucker Dru. Pick the Venti Ho Chocolate, Dru!
Let us continue with that theme, I guess Lily wanted a little stuffing in her Oreo. Oph! Oh yeah, I'm keeping that one. Alright, I adore the Dily, would dily the Dily Daily is that wasn't wrong and sick but what precisely was the point of them breaking up if they're at the exact same place they were 6 weeks ago? Hmmm.
Hey, screenwriters of the world, black men can open clubs that have nothing to do with jazz. Just FYI.
Here's what I want: Noah in a fit of rap-induced rage to push Phyllis down a flight of stairs. Soapy and topical!
One day Nick and Sharon hate, hate, hate each other. The next they're laughing over the direction their lives are taking.
Whatever. Have we just abandoned the notion of honest human emotions here? Is that why everyone is so out of character? Have the script writers been dispatched to the four corners of the earth and not allowed any human interaction?
I'll be perfectly honest, I've had no desire to watch the show this week. It's slowly but surely turning into just another soap opera and that makes me incredibly sad. Not that I'm incapable of appreciating it's charms, it can still deliver magnificently. However it's seemed to have lost the touches that made it absolutely above the rest, the camerawork, the dialogue, the delicate plotting that moved like molasses deliberately not just because. The community used to be a lot more...spralling. Sometimes one plot didn't touch another at all or when one crossed another it did it with signifigance. And I liked not knowing who would be on that day, plots weaved in and out each week and it hardly ever felt like stalling, it just felt like...life. Now we just have the same things repeated everyday with the same people. Everyday. No break. Just over and over, when you have the same people on everyday the things they say, the supposed life altering decisions they make tend to lose their importance because we eventually just sound them out, not because we don't care, we're just...bored. At least I am.
Next week will be better from what I've read. Here's hoping.
And hey, if you haven't signed up for the mailing list please do. Why? Because I'm needy. Well, no, because of weeks like this where the show's schedule is fucked and I'm fucked and fuckity fuck.
Alright, I AM needy but ya know.