Y&R - Monday - Animal Planet
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Dru: Yeah, I killed it! I killed it! Ya point? What's ya point, brotha?!
Ignoring that crime against nature, Dru's drunken tirade toward's Carmen was damn near excellent. A Dru clear of mind and ready to fight would have been better but you take what you can get when we have Phyllis giggling herself into a coma and Gloria gnawing on John's remains, you try to find the light in the gloom.
You better stop insinuating stuff Nikki or somebody's gonna come home with a fat lip! Melody Thomas Scott must feel good when she's the youngest person in a scene. Lee Phillip Bell did in one episode what her daughter couldn't do in 20 years. Acted.
Speaking of acting, good on Eric Braeden for throwing himself into this. Unlike some actors (Maurice Benard, I'm talking to you, you greasy little gremlin) he's willing to make himself look foolish. And damn if Victor doesn't look foolish. And it is a fantastic turn. Nikki's not gonna get a fat lip, she's gonna get a cap in her ass. Again. For every 8th bullet hole you get a free sub.
You can't be serious. We are not still talking about Brad and this Nazi crap. That...makes no sense. This story ended a month ago. Rebecca? What's a Rebecca? So this octegenerian is on the Underground Railroad? Oh wait, wrong holocaust. But I mean really, what is this BS? Who cares? Come out of the woodwork! Reveal thyself!
For a brief, oh so brief moment, I saw the Phyllis I knew and loved. When she was disappointed that she missed Dru's little show I got excited and them she kept smiling and shit and suddenly I wanted to slap a pregnant woman.
Phyllis: Everytime I giggle an angel get it's wings! GIGGLHEHEHEHEEE! Help me stop--here it comes agaHEHEHUEHEHEEE! It's killing me from the inside! HEHEHEHEEEEE! I'M BLEEDING INTERNALLY!
That was a lame ass party! One episode for this shit they've been building up to for 6 months?! I want my money back! And my time! My money and my time! My life! Money, time and life! No, no, don't try to bribe me with Dily--don't, I'm not falling for that! Every other weekend? No, no. Every weekend. And sometimes on Thursday. Thursdays are stressful for me. I need to relax, relate, release on Thursday. You do that, all is forgiven.
Awesome party, guys! ***double thumbs up!***
You better stop insinuating stuff Nikki or somebody's gonna come home with a fat lip! Melody Thomas Scott must feel good when she's the youngest person in a scene. Lee Phillip Bell did in one episode what her daughter couldn't do in 20 years. Acted.
Speaking of acting, good on Eric Braeden for throwing himself into this. Unlike some actors (Maurice Benard, I'm talking to you, you greasy little gremlin) he's willing to make himself look foolish. And damn if Victor doesn't look foolish. And it is a fantastic turn. Nikki's not gonna get a fat lip, she's gonna get a cap in her ass. Again. For every 8th bullet hole you get a free sub.
You can't be serious. We are not still talking about Brad and this Nazi crap. That...makes no sense. This story ended a month ago. Rebecca? What's a Rebecca? So this octegenerian is on the Underground Railroad? Oh wait, wrong holocaust. But I mean really, what is this BS? Who cares? Come out of the woodwork! Reveal thyself!
For a brief, oh so brief moment, I saw the Phyllis I knew and loved. When she was disappointed that she missed Dru's little show I got excited and them she kept smiling and shit and suddenly I wanted to slap a pregnant woman.

That was a lame ass party! One episode for this shit they've been building up to for 6 months?! I want my money back! And my time! My money and my time! My life! Money, time and life! No, no, don't try to bribe me with Dily--don't, I'm not falling for that! Every other weekend? No, no. Every weekend. And sometimes on Thursday. Thursdays are stressful for me. I need to relax, relate, release on Thursday. You do that, all is forgiven.
Awesome party, guys! ***double thumbs up!***
I love your prose - free sub... LMAO!
Darn, as always, you blog what I feel: EB making Victor human, GloBag stalking Will like a tick looking for its next host, Dru calling out Carmen, Lee Bell outacting her daughter...all of it. Thumbs up!
LOVED Ash's claw with hiss when GloBag walked away.
BTW I actually dreamed that Dru and Carmen had it out at Carmen's apartment last night. Neil came in just as Dru strode out runway-style with a hank of Carmen's hair in one hand, leaving Carmen with TWO black eyes and a busted lip.
Seriously, we only get the one day for the NVP opening? The fuck?
Darn, you're right on point as usual.
BTW I actually dreamed that Dru and Carmen had it out at Carmen's apartment last night. Neil came in just as Dru strode out runway-style with a hank of Carmen's hair in one hand, leaving Carmen with TWO black eyes and a busted lip.
Dru, dear GOD what is that on your head?
Speaking of runway strutting? What was with that Glamour Shot pose Carmen was striking while talking to the cops? Why is she still here?
I guess i can't complain too much, since DeCarmen showed up, Dru has been rocking some FIERCE outfits. She looks better than she has in years.
John Mayer's new album came out today.
Huh? What? Topic? I moved! I can't get CBS here, so I rely on you, Darn. Until I can get a coat hanger or something. I just want to know why Dru hasn't knocked this whore out yet.
I plan to "buy" Contiuum as soon as I can. You can't get CBS? What the hell? We have to do something about this. That's fucked up.
Seriously, we only get the one day for the NVP opening? The fuck?
They rushed through the whole thing. The only exciting part was Dru making a fool of herself.
Dru has been rocking some FIERCE outfits. She looks better than she has in years.
Except for that hair making her look like a broke ass Jodi Watley. Well, more broke ass.
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