Y&R - Hatravanganza!
You are cordially invited to the EVENT OF THE SEASON!
Proudly Presents
Welcome, welcome! So many happy faces, SOOOOOOOOO many beautiful people! Bienvenue ! Je suis si heureux de vous voir tout sauf moi parie que vous ĂȘtes plus heureux de me voir !
What is a Drucilla Barber Winters Event without some costume changes? It's merely a party is what it is!
What is a Drucilla Barber Winters Event without some costume changes? It's merely a party is what it is!

Dru: Some days you just wake up feeling like a gazelle! I feel like a gazelle! Gazelles are fab! I'm opening a zoo and it is gonna be fierce!

Dru: But you know, you KNOW, I question things. In my mind. Like "What does this particular headpiece say about me?" I call them "headpieces" because "hats" are an indignity you give to baseball caps! This is a part of my soul, you betta recognize, sucka!

Dru: Now I feel like a bird! And that is my perogative! I do what I wanna do!
This is the part of our program where Drucilla re-enacts the "bark like a dog" scene from Coming To America.

Thank you.
Luckily someone spared Dru from being the craziest person at the gala!


Sharon: I LOOOOOVE HATS! But I THINK that THEY love ME EVEN MOOOORE! At night, when I sleep, in my bed, they SPRINKLE me with BATH SALTS! I DON'T KNOW WHHHHY BUT THEY DO AND I ENJOY IT! HATS bring ME, Sharon STONE, endless, ENDLESS JOY AND FEAR!
Dru: Oh no I did not invite this, I did not.


Sharon: I LOOOOOVE HATS! But I THINK that THEY love ME EVEN MOOOORE! At night, when I sleep, in my bed, they SPRINKLE me with BATH SALTS! I DON'T KNOW WHHHHY BUT THEY DO AND I ENJOY IT! HATS bring ME, Sharon STONE, endless, ENDLESS JOY AND FEAR!
Dru: Oh no I did not invite this, I did not.
Victor: I make Zapato wear hats! ItisveryfunnywhenImakehimwearhats! He whine and he whine and he bites me andIbleedalittle but he look so cute withhishatonhishead!
Ahhh... Victoria Rowell's many, many splendid chapeaus! About time you dedicated a piece on the 5th member of the Winters family. LOL!
What in the world is she doing in those pics just before Sharon Stone appears? Actually, I don't care because I've suddenly found myself spellbound by Rowell's badonkadonk!
wiping away sweat off my forehead
Um... where was I? Oh, and don't you just love how her hat just about pushes Melody Thomas Scott out of the frame. LOL! "There's only room for two of us bitch! And I'm not talking about you."
I haven't a clue what she's doing on that stage but it's brilliant, isn't it?
I felt so lucky to find all these pictures (there are even more!), so many hats, so little space.
Love, love, love Victoria Rowell!!!
I'm fairly new to Y&R, so I didn't know about the hat extravaganza, but I think it's lovely. I really do adore this woman.
Daily? Please. Pretty please.
Loving Victoria Rowell's hats. She, and they, are one of a kind.
Viva la chapeaux!
Hatsapalooooooza! Gracias Darn. Blessings
(and welcome back)
you sure know how to make a comeback, baby.
nice to see you in such fine form, glad you were unharmed by Ernie.
i love vr. lovelovelove. the pic before sharon is tops. wierd how sharon and dru are bff on the show, hmmmm?
so is an ode to her lumps coming as well, or did you find inspriation north of them instead? because more vr? yes please, with Zapato on top!
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