Y&R - Tuesday - JackJackCoreyMikeFace
Daniel: Mmm, that feels good.
Lily: Because I am good.
Lily: Because I am good.
Oh boy, we need a new word for hot because that was damn near combustible! Fucking Alex had to ruin the Daily Dily! And God, Daniel, you don't leave the girl that's aching to jump your bones? Okay, okay, a creep's on the loose but damn, she was all over your jock. You want her to sit on it, don't you? SIT ON IT, LILY!
HappyFunVictor is Gandhi and that? Is Awesome. I liked Victor having a Eureka moment of "I'll replace the pills!", Eric Braeden played it adorably. How wrong is that I'm using words like "adorably" and "Eric Braeden" in the same sentence? Truckloads of wrong.
Nikki's "I knew it was too good to be true." = "My husband's epilepsy was totally working for me. Thanks, Victoria. Thanks a lot."
I swear Alex was thisclose to grabbing Kevin's crotch and telling him the real price for his silence. That's a scene I would have watched. Like, a lot. Like 24 hour replay. Rrrrr--click--rrrrr--click---rrrr--click.
Look at Daniel in his pink button-down and Kevin in his baby blue dress shirt. Too cute. I bet they called each other that morning all "And what are you wearing? Get out! I'll wear my pink shirt, we'll be the pastel sisters! Hee! I mean, brothers. Brothers. Double hee!"
(click the pics to capture the true resemblance, it's astonishing)

Michael: I find this offensive!
Corey: Oh man, oh man! Mike! Miiiike! It's been years! Years, bro!
Michael: Excuse me, who are you?
Corey: It's me, Corey! Corey Feldman!
Michael: I know no Corey Fieldmens, I don't know you!
Corey: We used to be homies, homes!
Michael: I am not in my house! You leave me! You are suspicious! Suspiccccccious!
Jack: So...
Jack: Tell me about it.
I was yelling "Sit your ass down, fool!" to Daniel today when he got up to answer the phone. Got his wife stradling him and he answers the phone.
I don't know if they told the actor to play Alex that way, or if that's his 'interpretation' (I've never seen Alex before), but the delivery of the lines was annoying the hell out of me. I can't imagine how I'm going to live through his storyline.
I finally figured out who Alex reminds me of. Remember that episode of Saved by the Bell when Slater's chameloeon died? And there was a fantasy sequence when Mario Lopez dressed up as the lizard and was indicting the whole gang? And Mario was talking like a freak? Yeah...that's it.
ok, I'll admit as I'm aging I'm losing touch with who is who...when i saw the photo of Jack White in the poll, I thought it was Johnny Depp (maybe from WillieWonka/Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, a movie I couldn't bring myself to see and ruin my existing childhood memories) until I went to take the poll.
Love your blog, Darn. Absolutely love it!! Thanks for all the work you put into it for our enjoyment!
No username or password here, I'll come up as anonymous, but I'm Quene fo Tpyos at TWop.
Thanks, QFT, I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoy putting it together.
I don't know if they told the actor to play Alex that way, or if that's his 'interpretation' (I've never seen Alex before), but the delivery of the lines was annoying the hell out of me. I can't imagine how I'm going to live through his storyline.
That's how he played it last time too, janie. I think someone in post-production forgot to add the FX where actual slime drips off him.
And there was a fantasy sequence when Mario Lopez dressed up as the lizard and was indicting the whole gang? And Mario was talking like a freak? Yeah...that's it.
If you could find a screencap of this I would love you forever, kia.
ok, I'll admit as I'm aging I'm losing touch with who is who...when i saw the photo of Jack White in the poll, I thought it was Johnny Depp (maybe from WillieWonka/Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, a movie I couldn't bring myself to see and ruin my existing childhood memories) until I went to take the poll.
Okay, so we now have AC Slater as Lizard King, Kid Rock and Johnny Depp as Willie Wonka to add to the number of people Alex resembles, should I add to the poll?
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