Jul 10, 2006

Y&R - Who's The Daddy? What's The Baby?

[Phyllis in her hospital room cradles her newborn baby as Nick comes rushing in with Jack shortly behind him]

Nick: Phyllis, Phyllis, I got your phone call! You had the baby?

Jack: Phyllis? Phyl--oh, hi Nick. Phyllis, your message said you gave birth?

Phyllis: Hi guys. Yeah, I had the baby. You know, for some reason I thought having the baby would clear up the whole "Who's the Daddy?" thing but now I'm even more confused...

"Gah. Gah. Goo. Goo. Hello Fathers."

Phyllis: I'm not even sure if it's a boy or a girl...

Jack: That child has one luscious head of hair.

Nick: It's got your eyes, Phyllis.

Phyllis: And your five o'clock shadow.

Jack: That means NOTHING!

Phyllis: No, actually, it means that something is fucked up. Majorly fucked up.

[Phyllis, Jack and Nick look around the room uncomfortably, seemingly aware of our presence]


Anonymous said...

That's one fawked up looking baby! LOL! Creepier than Chucky!

Darn said...

That picture scares the crap out of me. But it DOES have Michelle Stafford's eyes. Tell the truth.

Hi Arugula! You need to stop disappearing on us!

Anonymous said...

Hi Darn! Sorry for disappearing. I get busy sometimes and don't get time to post. :( But when I had time to check the web, do you know that I checked YOUR site before TWoP? It's true! :) Your horrifying Newbot (what else would a Newman-Abbott baby be called?!) baby picture didn't disappoint!

Anonymous said...

Scariest Creepiest lifelike Newbot tm arugula. Yes, it does have MS's eyes, that was the first thing I noticed.

smartyshorts said...

Holy Zapato! That...that ....[i]thing[/i] gives me the heebee jeebies!
But it's still showing more personality than LilBastard and Robotot, so I guess i can.....NO, NO I can't it's too scary. make it stop LOOKING at me!

Darn said...

But when I had time to check the web, do you know that I checked YOUR site before TWoP? It's true! :)

That? Is awesome. Amazing. Thank you, Arugula, my head is the size of Texas right about now. And "Newbot"? HEH!

Yes, it does have MS's eyes, that was the first thing I noticed.

Hehe, glad to know I'm not alone in that.