And now I'm imagining Jack kicking his leg up and yelling "I'm 50!".
But again with the lameass parties. Jack, who I imagine is a millionaire or close to it, would have a better party than this. And even if this was merely a get together it still could have been less lame.
Carmen, pretty girl, boring but pretty. However, HOWEVER, Drucilla is hot like fire and stop traffic and make you spit on yourself to stop from combusting HOT. You have done better Neil, you ARE doing better, Neil.
Phylick no longer offend me but I swear if Phyllis giggles one more time at some unfunny thing Nick says I'm gonna hurt somebody. Phyllis is not a teenage girl, she is a grown woman who has been through more in her life than Nick ever has yet she turns into complete mush around this boy. It's offensive to me.
The linedacing was fun, that dayplayer was great and it's nice knowing Michelle Stafford is a country fan in real life.
Josh: Ah saw you from across the room and just had to say "Hiya".
Phyllis: Hiya, yourself.
Josh: Don't find many pretty redheads by themselves at a bar round these parts.
Phyllis: Is that so? I'm not so mu--uh, sorry but who is that?
Josh: Oh God, not again! Ah said lemme alone! Ah don't want none of what yer sellin', lady!

Crazy Lady: I just--just want to be forever your girl! WE HAD SOMETHING SPECIAL, JOSHUA! I CAN POP AND LOCK! GREEN HELIUM FILLET MIGNON!
Lily pulled a TOTAL DRU and it was amazing. I love her. I love Davetta. I have a ridiculous crush on her. "This is whack." It IS whack because you know what, Lily? Colleen sucks. She's boring and unworthy. Wash your hands clean of her.
A brain-damaged bastard is still a bastard. FYI. "Victor Newman, Man of Steel." What is this, cross-promotion? No, Y&R isn't owned by Warner Bros. but I doubt that was a coincidence. I saw Superman Returns. And it suuuucked.
HOLY HOT MESS! I missed Victoria's wedding to Brad but that flashback stunned me, I never saw that ATROCITY of a dress! Is she Laura Ingalls Wilder? Is Nick gonna go blind? Is Abby gonna get raped by a clown?
British people are evil. FYI. "I took the lift to the bodgerdash then 'ad meself a fag while thinkin' of me mum in 'er ol' croscopy! Cheers!" Some of those words are made up. Evilly made up.
Phyllis just referred to Michael as one of her "girlfriends" and that is too cute to be.
I hate how Phyllis acts like Jack being the father is the worst thing that could possibly happen. You just wait, you don't know the real Nick. As soon as you marry him he'll want you barefoot and pregnant. And then in the latter months of the pregnancy he'll want blowjobs to make up for the lack of sex. And then he'll hit you! No, wait, no. Not that but you know, he's a Neanderthal.
Nikki's "Oh shit, my husband won't be nice no more!" face was awesome. Let's say Victor gets better and goes back to his old self, I'd watch Nikki try to drop random things on his head to get HappyFunVictor back.
This is too too funny. Please don't stop. I agree with nearly everything! The thought of Niki dropping things on Victor's head to get HappyFunVictor to come back is a hoot. Phyliss is wasting her time with the boy Nick. Sure, he's cute. But he is no man. Hey, I am also loving Davetta as Lily! She IS miniDru and needs to dump the sorry and whispering Colleen fast.
True dat, Lily needs a better friend. If Cassie were alive (Camryn could hold her own as an actress), they could have messed with her age and somehow made them friends. Then have them play Mean Girls, snarking on Colleen and her foolish ways.
And speaking to your friends shouldn't be like pulling teeth, Colleen was being so bitchy and dismissive. Very annoying.
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